Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Junk Season


I have been informed that it is now "Junk Season" and we were invited onto a Junk on Saturday by a friend from the Hong Kong Jockey Club. 

 I had romantic visions of a day sailing on one of these...

Junk Hong Kong

To my disappointment we were on this...

Well to be honest, I was not that disappointed, it was very nice

These are generally alcoholic affairs and by the groups of people lined up at Pier 9 at 10 am in pirate costumes with slabs of beer I was beginning to worry. I am far too old to be drinking all day

Thankfully our boat party was a little more mature

So we set off for South Bay Beach 

Warning if you are easily offended please look away now
some of the following pictures contain me swimming 

It may have been raining but the water was still warm 

Our life guard had seen it all before

We were not the only boat in South Bay

Heading home 

Our fellow "Junkers"

Safely back on dry land

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